You for Christmas

Originally Published: 12-04-2019

You for Christmas by Madeline Ash is the 3rd book in her Rags to Riches Series.

This is Regan Case’s and Felix Nickson’s story.

Book Details

You’ll find that this is a shorter novel, not a novella, but a shorter story.  Amazon says there’s only 224 pages.  It can easily be read in a sitting (for us voracious readers!)

As the 3rd book in this series, this one carries on with Felix’s character.  Regan makes an appearance in this story, with Regan and Felix being the main characters.

There’s only one sexy scene in the whole book, and it does not have many details at all.  It can be even called no details, that’s how little details there are.

This is a holiday story, a Christmas romance, a rags to riches story, a contemporary romance, a story based in Australia, a coming home story and a story where the character overcomes her past with the help of her family.

There’s no violence in the story.  Nor is there any bad language.

You’ll find that, because it’s a story written by an Australian, there’re Aussie words and phrases that the characters use.  Makes for a fun story!

Felix and Stevie were best friends in high school.  Regan is Stevie’s younger sister.

They end up in Byron Bay, meeting up for Christmas with all the other characters from books 1 and 2 of this series.

Book Summary

This story is about Felix and Regan.

They knew each other in high school.  Regan gave Felix the ability to run from his horrible father, not knowing that she was about to run herself.

The only catch was, Felix has to take Stevie with him.  

Years later, Regan has come back to find Felix and petition his help.  She has nowhere to go and no one to turn to, so she ends up on Felix’s doorstep.

But he can’t tell Stevie that she’s here, not yet.

And the timeframe is at Christmas.  So Regan helps Fee win the coveted parking spot by decorating for Christmas.  Even if he has major allergies to Christmas trees!

As they are spending time together, they get to know each other again.  And he realizes that she’s a softie on the inside.

She has to be for what she’s already done for him.  Now he can help her.

But the whole story is colored by the anxiety the Regan feels about meeting her sister again.

You see, she ran away not only from her foster family but from her sister Stevie as well.

She knows that when she faces Stevie again, she’ll have to tell her why she ran away in the first place and why she’s come back.  And if she plans on staying.

And then she has to admit that she’s falling for her best friend!

Needless to say, it does end happily ever after!!

But not until Regan admits to her past to the two people that mean the most to her.  And with their help, she’s finally able to put her past behind her and have a better look for the future.

We then get to find out Stevie’s story when we get to book 4, Breaking Good!!


I found You for Christmas to be compelling, interesting and fast-paced!  

The story is well-written with lots of spunky and sassy dialogue that make each of the characters endearing.

Madeline Ash portrayed each of the characters with realistic reactions to the issues that came up during the storyline.  And she did it with attitude, spirit and strength.

I found her to be a talented writer, enough that I’ll go looking for more of her books.

So check out You for Christmas!!  You won’t be wasting your time!

Check out the other books in the Rags to Riches Series:

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