The Storm Front Series

Originally Published: 10-07-2019

The Storm Front Series by Sharon Sala is a 3-book romantic suspense series that is based in the wake of a hurricane that hits Bordelaise, Louisiana.

This series was first published in 2010 and was just recently reissued with new book covers in 2018. 

Just below you find the book covers for 2010, so you’ll know that you have found the right books!

Book Series Summary

You will find this series is a bit different.  As opposed to being a book series where the stories follow each other sequentially, this series is about three different couples all in the wake of a hurricane that hit the small community of Bordelaise.

Each book is happening relatively at the same time as the others.  They overlap to some degree in each book.

So when you read book one, we hear about each of the characters for each of the books, but the story focuses on the few main characters before the others.

So book 1, Blown Away, is about Caroline North and Michael Boudreaux.  She’s caught in the storm after seeing her ex burying a body.  This leads to a story filled with intrigue and suspense as she hides from her ex and has a chance to heal before she can then go to the authorities to share what she knows.

Book 2, Torn Apart, is about a young boy that was taken just before the storm hit.  His parents, while estranged, have come together to find him.  Katie and JR Earle are at odds with each other until they come together to find young Bobby.

Book 3, Swept Aside, is about the men that were caught in the jail during the storm.  The hurricane took off the back of the of jail which allowed the men to get away.  But there’s a catch, an undercover agent is among them and when they take a woman hostage, he knows that he must protect her.

So each book can stand on its own.  But when you read the whole series, you see how the town comes together to heal after such a tragic event.

Click on each book cover to see the #bookdetails for each book!!

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