The Summit

Originally Published: 09-02-2017

Book Summary

The Summit is the 2nd book in the Paranormal Series 2 by Kat Martin.  

Please note that there is no connection to any of these books.  They are just really good suspenseful romance books with a touch of the paranormal!

This story is about Autumn Sommers and Ben Mackenzie.

She is having dreams about his daughter that went missing 6yrs earlier.  She feels that Molly is trying to connect with her in order to convince her to come and save her.

While Ben is reluctant to even listen to Autumn at first, when he finally does they end up working together to find his daughter.

There a lot of twists and turns that they go through as the connect emotionally.  This causes them to fall in love and heal part of their hearts that was damaged with the disappearance of his daughter years ago.

Autumn is an instructor and an avid hiker.  She teaches Ben how to rock/mountain climb.  Ben is a successful businessman.

When you’re finished, you’re left thinking about psychics and clairvoyancy and whether or not people could really have these types of gifts.

This book reminded me of Catherine Anderson’s Morning Light.  The main character in this book was also a clairvoyant!

I really enjoyed this book.  

Check out the other books in the Paranormal Series 2:

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