Baby Dreams in Good Hope is the 13th book in the Good Hope Series by Cindy Kirk.

Book Details
Baby Dreams in Good Hope is the 13th book in a 21-book series. This book was published in May of 2020.
Please note that Goodreads has this book as book 12.5 in the Kindle Edition and book 13 for the paperback edition!!
Both Amazon and Cindy Kirk’s website have it listed as book 13. So, naturally, I’m going with the author’s.
This is also a novella with 76 pages to the story.
This series is classified as a contemporary romance, even a small town romance. It’s a series about life, and dealing with all the troubles and struggles of everyday life.
There are no other book covers for this story.
This story is located in Good Hope, a small township in the Door County peninsula in Wisconsin.
This book continues Marigold and Cade’s story. Their story first began in Be Mine in Good Hope, book 3.
And because this story is so short, not a lot happens.
Book Summary
Ever since Marigold and Cade got married, they’ve been trying to have kids. We’ve seen them struggle with infertility, IVF treatments, and the heartache that goes right along with it.
The feeling isolated because you’re the only one not able to have their own kids.
The gamut of feelings that can be a part of not being able to achieve this one dream.
They even decided to sell the piece of land they desperately wanted to build on to be able to get the needed funds to be able to have their own children.
Now as this story begins, they’ve decided that adoption is an avenue to look at.
Cade decides to connect with his ex-fiance, as she’s now a lawyer helping those who are looking to adopt, BUT, he doesn’t tell Marigold what he’s doing. He doens’t tell her cuz he’s so worried about her.
And she thinks he’s having an affair.
But he’s not, he’s been meeting with Alice, the lawyer, about adopting a baby. And she’s found one for them.
Now he has to go tell Marigold.
But Marigold has her own secret. She’s been feeling horrible, moody, food tastes disgusting. You know, all the symptoms of when you get pregnant.
But of course, she doesn’t think she is. She couldn’t be.
But with the help of her sister, she decides to take several pregnancy tests to see. And, surprise, she’s pregnant!!
Alice lets them know that she has a birth mother who wants to meet them.
So needless to say, their lives turn upside down in a very short amount of time. In fact, it says in the story, that at the beginning of June, they were childless, and the end of June they had two children.
It’s a short, tender, endearing story of finally having your dreams realized. But also of realizing that we also have to be happy with what our lives are to really get something out of life!!
And because it’s only 76 pages long, it can be read in an hour!!!