How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire

Originally Published: 07-03-2018

Book Summary

How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire is the first book in the Love at Stake Series by Kerrelyn Sparks.

This 16-book series starts us out with the Roman Draganesti, the owner of Romantech Industries, a scientist that invented synthetic blood.

He’s the coven master for the East Coast Vampires and starts Romantech Industries in White Plains, NY.

What many don’t know is that he’s a vampire himself.

But not by choice.

Roman was turned against his will 500+ years before. 

So the story begins with him kinda down in the dumps because he doesn’t like the fact that he’s still alone even after these years.

His VP of Marketing invents a new way for them to get blood, an artificial way for them to get blood!  This is the VANNA invention.  You have to read chapter 1 to really experience this invention.  It’s pretty cheesy!!

But because of this invention, he looses his fang.  And because his fang is his fang, he has to have it fixed before the night is out otherwise he will be the laughing stock of the vampire community forevermore!!

He finds an all-night dentist only to find that the dentist is actually on the hit list for the local mob, with another vampire as the hitman.

That’s when he knows that he has to protect her.

And it doesn’t hurt that she’s the first human to make him “feel” in a very long time.

So there’s already an intense attraction for each other.

Shanna Whelan is in the Witness Protection Program because she witnessed something she shouldn’t have and was in hiding as a dentist.  Even though she was bored to tears.

So when she meets Roman, her life gets quite interesting quickly.

At first, she runs from him because she knows that he’s not normal, but then after the mob keeps finding her, she goes back to him for protection.

There Roman tells her that he’s a vampire and what his story is.

And as he’s telling her his story, she starts to find that he’s actually a pretty decent vampire and not cruel at all.  And she starts falling in love with him.

As she is literally thrown into their vampire lifestyle, she finds that there are good vampires and bad ones.  And Roman is part of the good ones.

Shanna gets to know not only the vampires that are in Roman’s coven, but she also meets many of the humans that are part of the day crew that protect the vampires.

Then right at the end, there’s a curve ball thrown into Shanna’s world.  Her father shows up and she finds that he’s aware of the whole vampire world and has been for very long time.  This causes some emotional scenes for Shanna which adds to the series plot.

So this book introduces many of the characters that this whole series is about.  And the majority of them will get their own story as the series progresses.  

I can say that this story does end happily ever after.  Shanna and Roman declare their undying love for one another, but you will find that it leaves it open for another story to continue.

So check out book 2, Vamps in the City!

Check out the other books in the Love at Stake Series:

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