Originally Published: 06-29-2020
Second Sight is the 2nd book in the Jigsaw Files by Sharon Sala. Even though Sharon Sala is a master storyteller in the Romance Industry, this book is actually not classified as a romance novel. This book is classified as a psychological thriller, according to Amazon.
As she’s a favorite of mine, I’ve included this new series of hers.
Book Details
Second Sight is also a story that takes a very serious and delicate subject and portrays it in such a way that you want to fight right along with the characters.
This book is about child trafficking.
This story is about a young girl’s experience being kidnapped by her own father to join a cult that has nefarious purposes.
While this story is about a serious subject, there’s no sexual details happening during this storyline. There’s also no real romance happening either, so you don’t have to worry about those details either.
While this story is classified a psychological thriller, there are paranormal aspects to this story with the characters having psychic skills and abilities.

This book was published in 2020 and this book cover is for paperback, Kindle, and hardcover editions of the book.
This is also a full length novel.
There is a bit of violence in this story. Not blow up, kill everything kind of violence, but the kind of violence that happens between one person to another.
This book is a continuation of Charlie Dodge’s story, but also has a whole other story happen in this one.
Book Summary
Even though Charlie Dodge is the main character, along with his assistant Wyrick, the story is really about 12 year old Jordan Bien.
Her father kidnaps her and takes her to a place deep in the mountains where he’s joined a cult. This cult, called the Fourth Dimension, is a place where the leader, Aaron Walters, has convinced all his followers that to be psychic makes them superior to all others.
In order to join this cult, you have to offer one girl in exchange for another to marry. And in order to have the best, they kidnap very young girls, who happen to be psychic too, and force them to have children. Pretty sick!
So Jordan happens to be psychic too. And her father, who is as well, decides that he’s gonna offer his own daughter in exchange.
But when she touches her father, she figures out what’s happening long before they get to the compound.
She also decides that she isn’t going to take any of it. As the daughter of a lawyer (her mom), she knows that what these men are doing is wrong and against the law.
So right from the start she’s rebellious and defiant. I would be too if I were in this situation.
She ends up being the catalyst that breaks up this cult and bring it out into the open.
After her father takes her, her mom contacts Charlie Dodge, who happens to be a private investigator, and begs him to help her find her daughter.
And between Charlie and Wyrick, they find where she’s gone and do everything they can to find her.
The story is about Charlie/Wyrick and what it takes to find them. But this is so much more of Jordan’s story and what it takes for her to survive this ordeal that she’s been put into.
There’s an interesting dynamic between Charlie and Wyrick that deepens in this story. Wyrick is an interesting character all on her own. Nothing remotely inappropriate happen between them, but you can tell there’s an underlying tension between them.
And it’s this storyline that will continue in the next book, book 3, Blind Faith.
Thankfully, Jordan’s story has a happy ending. They do find her and she’s returned to her mother. But the transformation that she goes thru is awesome and inspiring. She becomes a leader to the others that’re already there. She becomes their voice, a voice they desperately needed to be free.
I found this story to be moving and inspiring. You want to scream and cry right along with Jordan and what she endures. And it’s only a master storyteller that can make you feel right along with the characters.
It’s always hard to read a story about such a delicate and terrible subject, but Sala has done a great job of giving these kids a voice and letting them shout and scream.
And that’s just what you end up wanting to do when you read the story.
I would definitely recommend this story to anyone to read again and again.