Originally Published: 08-26-2017
Book Summary
Lucky Shot is the 3rd book in the Montana Hamiltons Series. This one is Kat’s story.
Kat Hamilton is the 3rd of the 6 girls that belong to Sarah and Buckmaster Hamilton.
If you’ve been reading the whole series, you know that Kat is the one that is the most skeptical about her mother and the things that happening regarding the Prophecy group.
This is the background plot that has been happening for the whole series. And it plays a big part in this particular book.
Because Kat is the one most skeptical, when she meets Max Malone (who is also looking into things) she is actually willing to listen.

Max is a freelance reporter who has been digging into Sarah Hamilton. At first, it’s to find out things about the love triangle that is Buck, Sarah and Angeline. But as he starts digging into it, he finds the Prophecy and a lot more than he bargained for.
Kat and Max first meet when she’s getting ready for a photo exhibit that she is doing. But they really meet when he comes to her accusing her of taking his computer and all his notes. She didn’t.
They spend the rest of the book looking into things. And that gets the attention of whoever is trying to stop them. They have to run for their lives or escape a burning building in order to really find things out.
So this book answers a lot of questions. Like who killed the investigators that were looking into Sarah. And who is after Kat and Max. Even the death of Angeline is figured out. (Unfortunately, she dies in this book.)
You are left with not a whole lot left unresolved. But yet Kat still is wondering if everything they’ve learned is fact or not. Especially when she sees her mother see someone who Kat recognizes from a photo of the Prophecy group.
Through all this investigating, Max and Kat get to know each other and fall for each other. And despite that fact he’s a reporter, he’s there for Kat when she needs him to be. That part is sweet.
So the book fits within the background plot line. Just adds to its drama!!
I wouldn’t call this a really entertaining, intriguing story. It was just a fun, easy read:)