This Thing Called Love in Good Hope is the 20th book in the Good Hope Series by Cindy Kirk.

Book Details
This Thing Called Love in Good Hope is the 20th book in a 21-book series. This book was published in February 2023.
The main genre for this story is contemporary romance, but I would also add in a small town romance.
I actually wouldn’t add an additional trope to this particular story! It does have a fun twist to it tho!!
I would also add it’s a story about life, and dealing with the troubles and struggles of life!
This is full length story with 243 pages. There are no other book covers for this story.
This is Sage McConnell’s and Dexter Woodard’s story. This story is told from their point of view in 3rd person.
This story is located in Good Hope, a small township in the Door County peninsula in Wisconsin.
So far, in this series, I’ve noticed that these characters have an external and an internal issue to deal with.
A few things happen during this story that ties it to the other stories in this series:
- Anita and “the Silver Fox” actually get married, much to the surprise to everyone!!
Book Summary
This is Dexter’s and Sage’s story. This is a fun story with a fun, new spin to the storyline!
Sage is a newcomer to Good Hope but not to the storyline. She the younger sister to Wyatt (book 10) and Trinity (book 11). She’s also a mixologist. She’s come to Good Hope to help Ethan out and work at Ding-a-Ling!
Dexter is an interesting character we’ve met before. While he’s friends with Ethan and Isaak, he’s more of the weird friend they have hanging around. He’s a scientist, analytical, and an introvert!
For the last few books, he’s been dating Evie. But just at the beginning of this book, she dumps him. And that’s left him completely confused about the whole love thing.
And that’s where the title of this book comes from. He decides he needs to run an experiement about “this thing called love”!! Fun huh!!
LOL!! He decides to conduct a study to see if he can come up with a solid conclusion about love and how people fall in love and why they stay in love!!
And who does he get to help him but Sage. He seems to be able to talk to her, even tho he can’t seem to talk to any other female.
He also goes to Gladys for the relationship cards!! I thought that was fun! If you remember, these are the relationship cards that have been floating around in each of the books. He asks Gladys for these cards and she says no. But Katherine and Ruby take it upon themselves, to give him the cards anyway!! That makes for an interesting scene.
You see, Dexter thinks that, because Gladys has helped so many others find love, he can too. And he thinks with the help of these cards he can make a proper assessment of this thing called love.
What follows then, is a fun, entertaining, and comedic romance story about love. Sage and Dexter basically interview each of their friends (the other characters in this series) to get an in-depth look into what brought each of them together.
They ask each couple what their questions were, how the cards helped them, and how it helped them to develop their relationships.
I’d call it a forced proximity romance as they spend a lot of time together finding things out from each of their friends.
In the end, Dexter has to step outside his comfort zone to be able to establish a relationship with Sage, and not rely totally on science, but admit that he can’t live without her!!
It’s a cute story. Done in a fun and unique way. I enjoyed this different spin of a storyline. I always enjoy finding an author who can take a story idea and add a fun, new spin to it to make it work. And make it work well. Well done. Definitely worth reading.