Frequently Asked Questions

I have been asked some questions that I would like to list here. I will do my best to explain things as best as I can.  Thanks, Shental

Have you read all of the books on this site?

Yes and no!

More yes than no.  I have made every effort to include only the books that I have actually read.  If you find a book series page that has pages for only some of the books within the series, that’ll mean one of several things. 

One, I’ve started the series, found that I don’t like the storyline and choose not to finish the series.

Two, I’ve started the series and can’t find the remainder of the books in the series.  

Or three, the book is read by another reader.  Each page written by a fellow romance reader will be identified as the “author” of that page.

Please also note that I have read far more than is listed here.  Unfortunately, there are some books that I don’t feel they’re worthy of doing a page here for (It takes a fair amount of time to create a page for each book).  Each book is worthy of a review, just not all books are worthy of good review.

You’ll find on my Amazon profile (@stuckonromance) all sorts of reviews for many books.

Can other romance readers contribute to this site?

No, not anymore.

I used to have a form that another reader could fill out and contribute to this site.  But every entry was more like a marketing gimmick instead of a review of the book in question.  So I made the decision to delete this part of the site.

This website is just an information site, free to other readers.

Why are there individual book pages for only some of the books and not all of them?

When I started this website back in 2015, my idea was wrapped around the book series as a whole.  As I have learned more about copywriting, search engine optimization and keywords, I found that I needed to adjust my idea to be more keyword friendly.

So that started me on the path of making each book have its own individual book page. 

And while I’ve been able to go and add quite a few book pages, I simply cannot go back and read all of the 400+ books that I have added to this site.  I update as many as I can, but I don’t have the time to read all these books again in order to add more details about each book.

My most current “To Read” list are on My Reads Blog.

I have questions about romance books and not just about #bookdetails.  Where can I find some answers to some romance books questions?

If you have questions about romance books, I did too. Now you’ll find this is what’s this focus of this site.

  • What are some paranormal romance books to read
  • What are romance books with a touch of paranormal in them?
  • What are some romance books that make you cry?
  • What is a romance book?
  • How to write a romance book?

Click back to the Home Page for a list of questions!

I have questions about this website, who do I contact?

Me, Shental, is the owner and idea behind this website.  If you want to know more about my story, it starts here, and goes to here.

If you find errors or bad links, please send me an email to stuckonromance(at)gmail(dot)com.  

I’m a one-woman show, so there’s no doubt mistakes made.  And while I’m pretty good at catching them, they still happen.

Why are there no affiliate links on StuckOnRomanceBooks?

I’m wanting to make the site about the books and not about the money.  Instead of spending my time figuring out affiliate marketing, I’ve become a Content Creator and Content Marketing Consultant.

So, if you’re an author who needs helps create a content creation plan that can be easily and quickly put into place.

Click here to learn to Offer Content Beyond Your Story.

Why do some pages have more details than others?

I started this website in 2015 with one idea that I wanted to do.  Overtime as I learned more about SEO, content marketing and keywords, and I realized that I needed to format and optimize my site better.  With that thought, I changed the way that I wrote each page.

I also found that I wrote more detail on a page of a book that I enjoyed more than others.  So on those pages, you’ll find more details because I enjoyed it more and wanted to share more with you.

I also can’t go back to previous books and reread them to add a better page for that book.  That would take way too much time and energy.