
Originally Published: 09-02-2017

Luke is book 2 in the Malloys of Montana Series by RC Ryan.

Book Summary

And of course, this one is about Luke.  He’s the second son to the deceased parents, Patrick and Bernie Malloy and grandson the Grace and Frank Malloy.

Luke has two brothers, Matt and Reed – hence the book series!!!

Luke is the risk taker in the family.  The story starts out with Luke, at age 15, entering a motorcycle jumping contest at the local rodeo.

Luke is also one with a big heart!  He won the jumping contest and gave the proceeds to his grandfather.

Almost 15 yrs later, Luke is still a risk taker and a man with a heart of gold.  And he’s a man comfortable in his own skin.  He would also do what it takes to continue working the ranch and tending the cattle.

And this is where this story begins.

Luke likes to spend way too much time up in the hills, tending cattle, and just being with the land.

And it’s up there that he’s almost trampled and thrown from his horse when the herd of wild mustangs take off after hearing a gunshot.

And it’s only the quick thinking and ingenuity of Ingrid Larsen that he’s not left to the elements to rot.

Between her and her horse, she’s able to get him home.

And it’s at home that she nurses him back to health.  

While he is staying in her home, he not only sees what she’s up against but also sees what life is like for her.

And when her life if threatened, he can do nothing else but stick around and help protect her.

While there is an instant attraction between them, they fight it till halfway through the book.  The sexy scenes are very few and not really detailed.  The author doesn’t use crude language to describe things.  And the scenes don’t take away from the plot line.

It’s a fun and easy read.  Definitely finished in an evening!!

I enjoyed the banter between the characters.  And of course all the other characters as well.  While this series is about the three boys, the other characters add to the story making it a well written story with lots of flare!!

We’ve met Matt in book 1.  Now you get to meet Reed in book 3!!!  

And Uncle Colin gets his own story in A Cowboy’s Christmas Eve.

Check out the other books in the Malloys of Montana Series:

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