Sexiest Vampire Alive

Originally Published: 06-26-2018

Book Summary

Sexiest Vampire Alive is the 11th book in the Love at Stake Series by Kerrelyn Sparks.

This is where Gregori Holstein finally gets his story!!

He’s the VP of marketing for Romatech and he’s been dispatched to help with the video that has been released to the world.

He must go to the president of the United States and convince him to not only declare the video a hoax but to keep their existence a secret.

As one the youngest vampires and one that’s the most modern, Gregori is the one that’s asked to represent all the vampires.

But what Gregori doesn’t expect is the young and beautiful daughter of the president.  Abby Tucker is the oldest daughter and as a scientist with a PhD in biochemistry, she’s the one that’s doing all she can to help find a cure for her mother.

Gregori and Abby have an instant lust for each other.  But as the vampire representative, Gregori must keep his distance but Abby is too curious and smart for her own good and starts to figure things out.

She also has a mission that she must do.  She needs his help to get into China to find these rate and unique plants that should enable her to help her mother.

Together with several of their vampire and were-shifter friends, they head into the jungle to find these plants.  But they also find more than they bargained for.  

This is where Master Han comes back into the storyline.  They get captured and have to fight their way out from under him.  The find out that Darafer is helping them by giving them a plant that has been altered to his demonic purposes.

But this plant also could help her mother, or so she thinks.

There are a few twists and turns in this story that you don’t expect until they happen.  And you see that there is a lot more going on in the background than just the background plot.

Not only do Gregori and Abby need to learn to trust, they need to learn to forgive.  So they both go down a similar path within the storyline.

It’s an easy, fun story.  It’s fun to see how Gregori falls for his love just like all the other vampires in the storyline!!

Now if you go to book 12, Wanted: Undead or Alive!!  This is where the Love Doctor, Phineas McKinney finds his lady!

Check out the other books in the Love at Stake Series:

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